Episode 1: Welcome to Podcast

Welcome to the inaugural episode of Podcast, a healthcare business podcast published by Coker Group. In this episode, we will introduce the Coker team and lay the groundwork for the podcast moving forward.

The Coker Team

  • Mark Reiboldt, Senior Vice President and Director of Strategy -- Lead Host
  • Jessica Combs, Senior Associate and Social Media Manager -- Producer/Guest Host

Episode Synopsis

Coker Group is a national healthcare consulting firm with over 30 years of experience in the industry. We advise healthcare organizations and physicians on all business matters including hospital and practice operations, financial advisory, hospital and health system strategic initiatives, and healthcare technology. Our discussions each episode will focus on current events, market trends, and significant developments that impact the healthcare industry. Our goal is to inform our audience on the present-day and upcoming developments and best practices for healthcare professionals.

The main episodes of the podcast will be released twice per month, with shorter “espresso-shot” episodes released periodically to address hot topics. Each episode will feature a guest host who will discuss his or her area of expertise with Mark.

Contact Information

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