COVID-19 Telehealth Privacy and Security Concerns

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, people continue to practice social distancing and leverage technology, especially in the medical field. Many healthcare providers have turned to popular video conferencing software, such as Zoom, to connect with patients and implement telehealth as a new service. However, there are growing concerns with Zoom as a telehealth platform, and the privacy and security measures the company has in place. Cybercriminals are targeting telemedicine visits within platforms such as Zoom because of potential privacy flaws to take advantage of a vulnerable population. As a result, Zoom has created an advisory board to address growing concerns. If you’re still concerned about using Zoom because of the recent news, Amazon has recently announced its platform, Amazon Chime, will be available at the Pro level for free through the end of June. Amazon Chime is part of Amazon’s HIPAA compliant services and offers a secure alternative for telehealth video conferencing.

Are you implementing telehealth for the first time?

We recommend entering into a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) with your vendor. Although the requirement was waived due to the public health state of emergency, healthcare providers will be expected to have a BAA in place as soon as the emergency subsides. Patients also should be notified of the risks of using these platforms. Contact us today to speak directly with our experienced consultants about telehealth privacy and security.

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