Let’s Talk about Why Qualitative Information Matters in Your Physician Needs Assessment

The medical community's input and health system leadership can be vital to a comprehensive physician needs assessment.

Why Include Qualitative Information?

One question that invariably arises when discussing a physician needs assessment with a client or prospective client is whether they should incorporate qualitative information into their process. The answer is always, “yes!” and here are the reasons why.

Traditional Needs Assessment: Quantitative Analysis

The traditional needs assessment always includes quantitative information such as:

  • Supply/demand analysis
  • Surplus/deficit analysis by specialty

Quantitative analysis is a given aspect of the process and can be directional in its results. While this component is necessary and helpful, looking only at data can leave one somewhat confused or unclear about specific physician needs.

Benefits of Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Data

Our experience is that using qualitative information coupled with quantitative data can be highly beneficial in fully developing a physician needs assessment and, more specifically, an actionable recruitment plan for an organization. Here’s why:

  • Engagement: Engaging the medical community and health system leadership in this process solicits input and encourages buy-in to an organization's overall process and ultimate strategies.
  • Insight: Qualitative information can make the overall needs assessment come alive, providing insights into the community's needs by specialty.

Case Study: The Impact of Qualitative Data

During a project, the data indicated that the current supply of physicians in a specific specialty was adequate. However, based on the medical community's input, we found:

  • Significant concerns about patient access
  • Issues with timely consults
  • Many physicians routinely referred patients out of the community due to the non-responsiveness of physicians in this specialty

The data alone would have never told us that a specialty that appeared to be okay turned out to be a recruitment need for this organization.

Documented Information for Recruitment Planning

Working with specialties in recruitment planning can be easier when you have documented information from peers and health system leaders about the specialty's needs. For example:

  • Reports outlining concerns about access or referrals from other physicians
  • Input from peers significantly impacts thinking, even for physicians who prefer to rely on data

How to Gather Qualitative Data

Organizations can use various instruments to gather qualitative data:

  • Surveys: A well-crafted survey of the medical staff provides an opportunity for members to share their perspectives.
  • Individual Meetings: Meetings with medical staff members to address specific areas and gather input are also useful.

Take Action to Enhance Your Physician Needs Assessment

Incorporating qualitative data into your physician needs assessment can transform your recruitment strategy and ensure you meet the true needs of your community. Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Learn More: Discover the importance of establishing objective evidence for physician needs assessments.
  2. Understand the Impact: Why qualitative factors matter when determining physician needs.
  3. Listen and Learn: Tune into our podcast for insights on determining physician needs and maintaining compliance when recruiting physicians.
  4. Get Expert Advice: Contact us for a personalized consultation on performing an objective physician needs assessment.

Ready to enhance your physician needs assessment process? Request a consultation with our experts and start transforming your recruitment strategy today.

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