Five Hot Topics to Consider While Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a business imperative, yet, when the method does not change over time, the strategic planning process can begin to feel stale. Many organizations struggle with the same people discussing identical topics, year after year. Meanwhile, the healthcare industry environment is undergoing rapid transformation, so limiting discussions only to those always addressed is likely a disservice to your organization. Following are five contemporary topics that are pertinent to most healthcare entities’ strategic planning deliberations.

  1. Transitioning to Value-Based Reimbursement: While the emergence of value-based reimbursement has been slower than many people anticipated, the reality is that it is still coming. What is your organization doing to prepare? How will you get from where you are today to where you need to be to thrive in a value-based environment?
  2. Focusing on Whole Person Care: Many organizations are learning the short- and long-term value of whole person care, as opposed to focusing solely on treatment for acute needs. How can your organization provide, or partner to provide, wellness, mental health, and social support services?
  3. Using Technology to Transform Care: In the age of wearable tech, enhanced bedside tech, and nearly pervasive adoption of EMRs, how is your organization using technology to transform and improve care while maintaining data security?
  4. Increasing Patient Engagement: Patients are becoming increasingly discerning in their selection of healthcare providers. What technology, resources, or competencies do you need to engage patients effectively?
  5. Enhancing Collaboration: Some of the larger health systems are continuing to transform into integrated delivery systems, many through acquisitions or other partnerships. Where does your organization want to go from here concerning collaboration versus independence?
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