Invest in Developing Your Physician Practice Leaders While Helping Them Achieve Organizational Objectives

Coker’s Physician Practice Leadership Development Program

If you oversee or manage physician practices, you are likely overwhelmed and frustrated by various inefficiencies and barriers, which are often inherited issues. You may have formal practice management training, though it’s more likely you have learned on the job through previous management or administrative roles.

There is no cookie-cutter pathway to becoming a physician practice leader or administrator, nor is there a specific experience to ensure success. We see great leaders emerge from diverse clinical, financial, and operational backgrounds. The broad scope of responsibilities means leaders tend to have specific areas of strength and others of weakness. However, time is scarce, and funds are limited to invest in enhancing skills and knowledge. To address the issues of limited resources and variable proficiency, we’ve developed a program that provides immediate support for practice leaders to function at their highest potential and effectiveness.

If you’ve managed physician practices for more than one organization, you’ll agree that no two organizations are the same, yet many of the issues you’ll encounter are parallel. As consultants, we find similarities in our clients’ challenges, and customizing the right solutions requires coordination with an organization’s people, infrastructure, and strategy. We often employ the time-honored approach of “assess – recommend – implement” and take pride in developing an organization’s capabilities so they can sustain improvements long after our consulting engagement ends. We also fulfill long-term interim management roles to drive change from “within,” though these approaches can be expensive or excessive depending on the organization’s needs and objectives.

We’ve established a personalized leadership development program for practice managers, administrators, and other leadership roles within physician practices and employed provider networks. Our seasoned consultants have years of experience working with medical groups of all specialties and sizes across the country, enabling us to offer best practices and lessons learned from a first-hand perspective. This program matches our consultant(s) with a leader(s) based on their role and management objectives. We design a tailored “curriculum” based on the leader’s experience and responsibilities, and we support the leader through real-world management activities. We dedicate time to education and discussion of best practices, and we also join the leader’s team as we help them interpret reports, solve issues, and manage unique situations that benefit from an objective perspective.

Coker’s Physician Practice Leadership Development program is a hands-on and minimally invasive approach that we can administer with as few as four hours per month of a leader’s time. We can work with individuals or teams depending on the client’s unique preferences and needs.

As a practice leader, physician owner, or health system executive, you may believe your organization would benefit from additional support and bandwidth for your leader(s) to achieve their potential and the best outcomes for your organization. If so, we’d like to help you. Let’s explore how our practice leadership program can work for you.

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