Building a High-Performing Physician Enterprise

Deliver more value in healthcare as a high-performing physician enterprise.

The COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020 and afterward sent devastating shock waves through our nation, threatening our lives and livelihood. Healthcare was not immune from the devastation as the industry sought to mobilize resources to address the pandemic while feeling the financial impact of the corresponding shutdowns.

As we advance, healthcare organizations must find a way to recover from 2020 while offering quality care to a significantly more financially stressed population. The need for more value in healthcare has never been greater.

As the key drivers of health system resource utilization and the focal point for patient engagement, the physician enterprise must serve as the primary path to greater value. Unfortunately, with the continuing trend in reduced professional fee reimbursement, most health systems’ efforts are focused on physician enterprise financial sustainability rather than pursuing the benefits of enhanced alignment.

Hospitals’ and physicians’ challenge is to transform the physician enterprise into an efficient, high-performing system to focus their efforts on making value-based care advances. Consider implementing these seven components of a high-performing physician enterprise to support this transformation.

Components of Enterprise Excellence

We have identified seven key components to achieving a high-performing physician enterprise:

  1. Operational Excellence
  2. Data-driven Accountability System
  3. Intentional Collaboration
  4. Financial Optimization
  5. Engaged Workforce
  6. Physician Governance and Leadership
  7. High-Performance Culture

Download the white paper for an explanation and application of each of these seven highly interactive elements.

Download Building a High-Performing Physician Enterprise

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