Strategic Planning Video Series: Ensure You Have the Right Resources

The final installment of the 5-part video series on strategic planning.

As we continue our video series on strategic planning, here are the five steps to strategic planning Aimee and Taylor will cover within the series.

Coker’s Approach to Strategic Planning in Five Steps

  1. Understand the Starting Point
  2. Focus on the Endpoint
  3. Outline Your Course
  4. Set Mile Markers Along the Road
  5. Ensure You Have the Right Resources

Step 5: Ensure You Have the Right Resources

During the first four videos of the series, Aimee and Taylor discussed the process of developing and implementing a strategic plan. But none of this is possible without an excellent team.

In the second video, they discussed the teams needed to create the vision. You can also leverage these teams for the execution! You should consult with your employees about the goals to ensure you get broad feedback. You also may want to consider outside help (such as consultants) or at least ensure a team member feels responsible for the plan.

Second, you need adequate funding and corporate support. Having a solid plan in place will make it easier to drive this support.

Watch Episode 5: Ensure You Have the Right Resources for the details of putting your team in place and making it part of your culture.

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