

Modern healthcare began as a system primarily centered on relationships between patients and physicians, focused on curative efforts, health education, and disease control. Now,it has evolved to a system driven by quality initiatives, cost containment, and significant government oversight. Historically, hospitals were physician-owned and even as that model shifted to hospitals owned by religious organizations, large health care systems, and government entities the relationship between physicians and hospitals remained solid. The establishment of group health insurance drastically changed the relationship between the patient, physician, and hospitals due to third-party payer regulations. Despite an ever-changing environment, a successful healthcare delivery system is still dependent on physicians and hospitals working harmoniously to provide quality healthcare services. Unfortunately, as mandates increase and the presence of physicians in the hospitals decrease,it has become difficult to attain harmony between hospitals and physicians around patient-centered care. Harmony is possible, nevertheless, through structured interdisciplinary bedside rounds (SIBR).

Structured Interdisciplinary Bedside Rounds

Coker Group is poised to ease the burden that has been unwittingly created by mandated changes in healthcare by restructuring physician workflow to support the initiatives and goals of both the physician and the hospital.Coker Group brings to the table and helps to implement methodologies that minimize the administrative aspects of medicine, such as the appropriate designation and documentation of medical necessity or level of patient care. Coker Group advisors also guide facilities in SIBR that include case management, nursing, pharmacy, quality, clinical documentation improvement, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, physicians, and the patient. Restructuring the patient’s assessment in this manner optimizes the physician’s time and encourages real-time analysis and improvement of quality/performance initiatives, documentation shortfalls, and discharge planning.


Coker Group, through their strategic technology partners, assists organizations with concurrent data analysis and monitoring of benchmarks that ensure that the documentation is indicative of the care and treatment provided and that the billing codes and quality scores that key off this documentation are accurate. Also, Coker Group partners can provide predictive analytics that drives lower lengths of stay, decreased numbers of readmissions, and more appropriate post-discharge patient placements.

Physician Staffing Assessments

Coker Group, with their physician staffing demand tool, helps facilities establish a medical staff infrastructure that optimally supports the organization in all specialty and affiliation categories,e.g., employed, contracted, or private practice. Engaging the medical staff community in this way drives physician satisfaction and morale, thereby furthering the strategic objectives of the healthcare facility and the medical staff as a whole.


In brief, Coker is prepared to guide systematically hospitals who wish to engage and integrate better with their physicians in a way that ensures success for all involved.We do this by focusing on the patient and allowing the needs of each patient and the patient population as a whole to determine how hospitals and physicians optimally work together to provide harmonious, high-quality and highly-efficient care delivery.

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