PSA Progression: What’s Next in the Evolution of Professional Services Agreements?

Professional services agreements (PSAs) continue to be one of the most frequently discussed alignment models for Coker, with both hospitals and practices seeking partnership and realizing there are countless ways to effectuate such through the use of a PSA. Specifically, PSAs are attractive to entities that wish to structure a contract that stops short of full employment, yet still offers many of the benefits of a fully aligned relationship.

The last decade has been incredibly impactful for the healthcare industry, with the present-day looking almost entirely different from that of even the early 2010s. From the sharp uptick in hospital acquisitions and employment to the growth in health systems through mergers, the introduction of the Affordable Care Act and an increasing shift from volume to value, and most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare leaders have had to retool their operations, increase their knowledge, and find effective ways (often through trial and error) to remain responsive to the ever-changing dynamics.

The authors updated Coker’s popular white paper on professional services agreements! Explore our comprehensive document detailing four main types of PSAs with countless options to customize every transaction.

Download your copy of the white paper
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