Implement Healthcare Leadership Development to Maximize Profitability

Depth of  healthcare leadership development is vital to an organization’s strategic success. Further developing the members of your organization’s leadership team  pertinent to decision making style and effective communication amongst the team is an important step in culture building and in ultimately implementing strategy. Coker Group has the experience not only to assist you in talent acquisition that “fits” your culture but also in the development of that talent to drive results.The components of leadership development can take on many guises but we are called on most times to do one or a combination of the following:

Organization Development (OD) is a strategic process that takes into consideration the culture of the organization to increase its effectiveness and efficiency. The primary purpose of OD is to continuously focus on building culture and driving change well beyond the C-Suite. OD is about system change and the people involved in the process of change. It is about driving results successfully in transitional and/or in environments characterized by ambiguity. This certainly describes the healthcare paradigm shift we are experiencing now and will continue to experience in for the foreseeable future. It is not training, personal development, team development, HRD (human resource development), L&D (learning and development), or a part of HR, although it is often mistakenly understood as some or all of these.

Leadership development focuses on the core talent of the organization and their personal growth and development. At Coker Group, we focus on two key areas. The first is the senior management team including the CEO. These are the leaders who are currently setting the vision and developing the culture of the organization. The second group is the high potentials, who are the future leaders of the organization.

Executive Coaching is a process for learning that is conducted with a business leader and an external coach with the express intent of creating awareness, choice, and behavioral change for the leader. Coker Group follows a specific coaching process to further ensure that leaders fit into an organization’s culture and models a communication style that is effective in the context of the senior leadership team. This coaching can be very effective when an internal leader takes on a new role that calls for new skills and a differing enterprise vision and/or when a new executive joins the team. A typical coaching engagement is six to nine months and can be extended when needed.

Need Help?  Healthcare Leadership Development and Talent Acquisition Can Make a Big Difference

Coker’s qualified associates are ready to help your organization attract and develop the leadership needed for continued growth. If you are interested in learning more about these services and how Coker could assist you, please call 678-832-2021 to speak with Chip Nagle, Senior Vice President.

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