Webinar - Bundled Payments: What All Providers Should Know About This Emerging Payment Model

On Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 1pm EDT Max Reiboldt, President/CEO and Ellis "Mac" Knight, MD, Senior Vice President/CMO will lead a webinar presentation on bundled payments. This webinar will be hosted by Greenbranch Publishing and the cost will be $237.

Bundled Payments are becoming more and more recognized as the preferred method:

Bundled Payments are becoming more and more recognized as the preferred method of value-based reimbursement by CMS and several other commercial payers. In this presentation this type of payment method will be explained in detail and real-life examples will be given of how bundled payments actually work. In addition, providers will learn ways to optimize their performance under a bundled payment paradigm and how to negotiate bundled service agreements to their best advantage.

Learning Objectives - After this presentation the listener should be able to:

  • Explain the key components of bundled payments and how this reimbursement methodologyworks.
  • Describe the main differences between bundled payments and capitation payments and whyone (bundles) is felt to be superior at driving higher value into the healthcare delivery system.
  • List the key capabilities that providers will need to acquire in order to optimize theirperformance under a bundled payment agreement.

Don't Wait - Enroll today!

As a bonus, for 15 minutes at the end of the session, you'll have the opportunity to pose your questions in real time to Max Reiboldt and Mac Knight.For additional information or to register click here.

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