The First Step on the Road to Value: The Coker ValuePath™ Assessment

The challenges of moving from volume to value are significant and will require careful planning by healthcare leaders in all types of organizations. Whether you’re a large healthcare system wondering whether you should enter into an at-risk population health management contract, a hospital considering how you will operate successfully under a bundled payment model for orthopedic or cardiac surgery, or a physician practice questioning how you will fare under MACRA/MIPS, you must make crucial decisions a soon about these issues. For many leaders, however, the key decisions cannot be made until the key questions are determined. Therefore, the first step in preparing for upcoming changes should be to complete an assessment that gauges local, regional, and national market dynamics and to perform an analysis of how prepared your organization is to meet the demands in your particular market area. CMS’s inexorable move towards value-based reimbursements may soon affect almost every provider organization, but the commercial payers’ movement into the value-based arena may lag behind in some locations. This delay will allow providers in these settings more time to prepare. Furthermore, the preparation necessary to meet the impending demands may differ significantly between organizations, which substantiates that no provider can afford to prepare for a conversion that will not materialize in the near-term.

Coker Group has many years of valuable experience and significant collective knowledge (see white papers, Value-Based Reimbursements are Here: Are you Ready? and MACRA: Redefining How CMS Pays Doctors) that can be brought to bear in helping our clients assess their specific needs in this time of unprecedented change. We employ a systematic approach that applies our knowledge and experience to each assessment in a way that allows us to analyze your particular needs. From that analysis, we develop a set of recommendations that will best position you for the future. If you’re a healthcare leader who is daunted by the upcoming challenges, and if you have questions about where to start and what questions to ask at this stage, please allow us to help. Our trusted advisors will help you get the information you need to formulate a strategy that will allow you to move forward with confidence.

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