Never Lose a Step while Filling a C-Suite Vacancy

Filling a vacant position such as a C-Suite leader is never straightforward. The balance between moving swiftly to find the right candidate, yet not hastily and making the wrong move, proves to be an enormous challenge for which it is difficult to prepare. But when a vital role is vacant, the urgency to fill it can turn a problematic situation into a disruption to an organization's culture. Time is the essence of thoughtful hiring, and it essential to invest in a sufficient interval that allows for a well-founded decision. However, time is scarce in the healthcare environment, and leadership voids can be costly. The good news is that provisional options are available. This period can be an excellent opportunity to engage an interim management solution to keep the organization’s operations flowing smoothly and to allow the necessary time to find the ideal replacement.

An interim manager allows you to fill a position immediately with a qualified candidate while offering an extended period for a comprehensive search. An interim candidate is recruited and placed with the organization, and then focuses on accomplishing results and staying the course. Concurrently, a team of seasoned executive search professionals are sourcing and recruiting a qualified, experienced professional who will be a cultural fit for the organization with the skills needed to fill the role as a long-term placement. Additionally, should the interim candidate become the long-term solution, which occasionally happens, that in turn also is a win-win scenario. The bottom line is that either way, your organization does not suffer from having a vacancy in the position for weeks or months, and with an interim, the critical work needed to be performed by that role can continue.

At Coker Group, our clients call upon us frequently to fill open "C-Suite" positions, initially as interims (temporary), and often these interims progress to a permanent placement through our Executive Search team. We bundle the interim and permanent placement components to ensure this transitionary period is as seamless as possible. This packaging also provides financial benefits to the organization. Through our years of experience within the healthcare industry, we are uniquely qualified to assist our clients immediately in filling mission-critical roles in interim and/or full-time positions. If your organization is facing a sudden void in leadership or preparing for a pending vacancy, call 678-832-2021 to speak with an experienced consultant to discuss if interim management is the right solution for your organization.

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