Engage an Expert Witness to Build a Sound Defense in Healthcare Legal Cases

What are healthcare providers and attorneys that represent them to do when faced with legal actions, whether plaintiffs or defendants? How best is it for healthcare attorneys to adequately prepare for a provider client’s lawsuit? What mechanics are best applied to clinical, business, even professional/personal lawsuits? What level of expert assistance pertaining to these challenges is needed?

These questions may be answered, at least in part, via engaging an experienced healthcare advisor to assist legal counsel in responding to the items of discovery, financial analysis, and overall case preparation, followed by overt expert testimony. This complements the strategies that healthcare counsel incorporates, again whether they are representing the healthcare provider as plaintiff or defendant. Often, the advisor/expert will assist behind the scenes, providing indispensable consultation to key areas of the case, driving toward a successful resolution. Also, the expert witness may serve overtly, whether taking the witness stand or via deposition.With the variety of legal cases that provider organizations face, it is essential to prepare an appropriate defense, or even a plaintiff, case. Expert witnesses are a primary source of sound testimony in healthcare lawsuits. With over 32 years as healthcare advisors, Coker Group has a team of experts to assist providers in a range of healthcare cases. Led by our president and CEO Max Reiboldt, CPA, our expert witness services can be applied in areas involving:

  • Appraisal/Valuation
  • Clinical Care and Protocols
  • Financial Analysis, including Forensic Accounting
  • Fraud & Abuse Issues
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Healthcare Technology
  • Healthcare Transactions
  • Hospital Operations
  • Medico-Legal
  • Physician Community Need (Supply/Demand)
  • Physician Compensation Valuation (Fair Market Value/Commercial Reasonableness)
  • Stark/Anti-Kickback
  • Anti-Trust Analysis
  • Coding/Clinical Documentation
  • Revenue Recognition

Whether through assisting in the actual case via these means, or merely functioning as an advisor relative to the legal counsel and client’s strategies pertaining to the lawsuit, such assistance is invaluable. Contact Coker Group today for more information regarding obtaining our expert witness services for your legal case.

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