Clinical Integration: The First Step in Moving Toward Value-Based Reimbursement

Clinical integration (CI) is often confused with accountable care, and clinically integrated networks (CINs) are sometimes called commercial accountable care organizations, or ACOs. The formation of a CIN is a critical first step for any group of providers who wish to succeed in an environment that is inexorably moving toward pay for value and away from pay for volume.

Coker’s latest white paper, Clinical Integration: The First Step in Moving Toward Value-Based Reimbursement, concentrates on the concept of value based care delivery and how CI is essential in the creation of a healthcare system that reliably provides high quality per unit of cost. This way of looking at CI is becoming more critical as providers attempt to re-tool care processes and procedures to operate successfully in a reimbursement environment in a value based healthcare marketplace.

Contact us today for more information on clinical integration and how Coker could assist your organization.

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