Get your MACRA House in Order: How to Plan for & Mine Your Own Specialty Data

Coker Group’s Senior Vice President/CMO, Ellis “Mac” Knight, MD, will be leading a multi-part webinar series hosted by Cordata Healthcare Innovations. The first session, Get your MACRA House in Order: How to Plan for & Mine Your Own Specialty Data, will be held on April 25, 2017, at 1:00pm EST. Details for this free webinar are below.

Get your MACRA House in Order: How to Plan for & Mine Your Own Specialty Data

Navigating value based payments in today’s evolving healthcare landscape is nothing short of challenging - MACRA/MIPS, bundled payments, and chronic care management. As the first in a multi-part series, this webinar offers a glimpse into a systematic approach to preparing for MACRA - that utilizes prior performance data available to all CMS providers (QRUR reports) and applies the CPDS to improvement initiatives around sub-par performance areas.

Covered in the webinar:

  1. How to develop a systematic approach to preparing for MACRA that utilizes prior performance data available to all CMS providers (QRUR reports) for sample spine and oncology specialty providers.
  2. How to apply continued professional development processes with your providers to support improvement initiatives around sub-par performance areas.

Register now and join us for this free webinar to discuss the effects and changes from the new regulations.

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