IT System Implementation, Migration & Optimization

Our vast experience with many EMR and EHR systems enables us to assist you with your system.

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As your existing technology system ages or your business needs change, your technology may no longer provide the capabilities required to support your objectives. Our knowledgeable healthcare technology professionals can help you select, implement, and optimize new or current clinical information systems to support your business strategy and help you achieve your goals. At Coker, we understand the issues involved with selecting, implementing, upgrading, and optimizing your EMR and EHR needs.

Our vast knowledge and experience with many EMR and EHR systems and vendors enable us to understand the implementation and optimization challenges your organization may face. Your difficulties and challenges are likely similar to the ones we have encountered and solved.

A structured process is critical to the successful selection, implementation, and deployment of any healthcare technology solution.

Vendor/System Selection

System selection is one of the most intense factors in the implementation process. The investment and risk are substantially high, and success is challenging and time-consuming. While we have extensive familiarity with major vendors across the country, we know the selection of a system involves the consideration of the organization’s objectives. Our technical and operational knowledge enables us to help you determine and prioritize your system requirements and recognize the best solution for your operational needs and budget.

System Implementation

Too often vendors approach implementation based on a pre-established implementation plan with limited hours to complete the installation. Rarely does this plan incorporate the specific needs of the client and how best to re-engineer the operations and workflow around the new software.

At Coker, we consider your particular environment and your specific needs to guide us in the development of a customized approach for your organization to ensure success. This approach requires the tailoring of workflows and processes within the system for specific requirements. Our analysis will ensure that the vendor understands your organization’s unique needs to avoid wasting your time and money.

Through the entire process, we will work closely with you to deliver a solution that reflects the specific needs of your organization and aid in employee education, internal adoption, and quality performance.

System Migration

Rarely do we see anyone today migration from paper to digital. In most cases, the migration will be from one (or many EHRs) into a single enterprise platform. Moving data between systems requires a set of advance skills and attention to detail. This process often involves advanced programing and engineering that is typically not available internally. Coker’s team of data migration specialists will ensure that you make this transition without any compromises to the integrity/quality of the data.

Legacy Application Retirement

Legacy systems often need support during and after the transition to a new platform. In many cases these legacy systems contain vital data or account receivables (AR) that will need to be worked down. Coker has a team of legacy application retirement specialists who can support the outgoing system and work down old AR balances.

EHR Optimization Support

Once you have selected and implemented a new system, it will need adjustments to ensure that it performs to its full potential and delivers all the benefits you expect. Optimizing your EHR should be a top priority to qualify for incentives and generate a return on your investment and to improve staff satisfaction and productivity and enhance patient care. Whether your previous EHR transition went well or not, every practice and/or hospital should continue process-related modifications based on the needs of the organization as well as changes in the healthcare industry.

Combining in-depth application knowledge and expertise, we deliver optimizations that make a quantifiable difference for maximum success and focus on improving clinician adoption, productivity, and satisfaction.

Advanced Analytics

Leveraging data to improve financial performance and clinical outcomes.

EHR to EHR Migration Services

When organizations merge or get acquired, there is often the need to consolidate into a single EHR.  We can help with this transition and migration of data.

Managed IT Support Services

We help existing IT departments become more resilient and agile by augmenting existing staff with our certified engineers and technical support staff.  Our staff can be utilized temporarily or fully rebadged to help increase capacity or temporarily to help with special projects.

If you are overwhelmed by the prospect of selecting, implementing, or optimizing a clinical information system, contact us today to discuss your specific needs.

Related Industry Insights & Resources

Positive outcomes are possible for you and your patients.

We approach every engagement with a results-driven mindset, leveraging our deep industry expertise and data-driven insights to develop strategies that drive meaningful, measurable improvements in performance.
Solutions We Offer
We partner with clients to navigate the dynamic challenges of managing a high-performing physician enterprise.

Performance Transformation

Transaction Advisory

Compliance Services